Shrink-Tester [FST-01]

images/FST-01 Film Free Shrink Tester 4.webp

Film Free Shrink Tester

Standards: ASTM D2732

Film Free Shrink Tester determines the degree of unrestrained linear thermal shrinkage at given temperatures of plastic film and sheeting in fluid medium.

Technical Data
Specimen Size:         ≤160 mm x 160 mm
Temperature Range:     Room temperature ~ 200°C
Accuracy:              ±0.3°C
Test Time:             0.1s~9999H
Power Supply:          AC 220V 50Hz

Technical Data
1. P.I.D. temperature control.
2. High precision timer.
3. Alarming function.
4. Stable heating of fluid medium.
5. Standard square metal clamp and free shrink holder.